In keeping with the theme of not wanting to sit next to a disgusting individual, I move on to certain tactics that people use in order to hold 1,2 or even 3 seats to themselves. To begin, let me explain the layout of Metro North trains. These rolling relics of what transportation once was came from the 1970's. Wasn't this the decade that the entire New York City transit system was in complete disarray and almost bankrupt? Then again, when is the MTA not on the verge of bankruptcy?
The length of one train car is probably about 60 or so feet and maybe 16 feet wide. There is a middle section of seating and two ends. The middle of the train would be he most desirable, due to the fact that this is where there may be remnants of actual shock absorbers. Although it wouldn't seem so, trains bounce around as if they’re going to head right off the track. I am no stranger to waking up after having my head slam into a window due the train bouncing around. This is also a great section in the summer for air conditioning and winter for heat. Sometimes people hold the doors open longer than usual and you either freeze your ass off or walk into work with a sweat stained shirt.
Seating is setup as two seats to one side of the train and three seats to the other. The "three seater" is key because there is usually an open seat in the middle, which provides a more comfortable seating area for your ride. Only when the trains are jammed packed do people head for a middle seat.
Now based on my calculation just below the title of this blog, I have logged 132,000 miles on the Metro North. I am a newcomer compared to the years spent commuting by some of my train buddies. I have noticed tactics for seating and boarding a train. Listed below are some of the things to look out for.
1) The Seat Bagger
This is probably one of the most amateur moves but still works, depending on the crowd of commuters. This brainchild places their bag on the middle seat in hopes that the average passerby mistakes this bag for an actual human being. Oh, I'm sorry, your bag is sitting there; of course I'll go find another seat. If there was full capacity on a train and middle seats are your only option, I always go for the Seat Bagger. The person that stored their bag politely above the overhead rack showed common courtesy and they deserve a chance at an empty middle seat. The Seat Bagger, he or she just got themselves a nice cozy spot next to me and my elbows.
2) Sleeping Beauty / Seat Bagger
This person must have been a failed Seat Bagger and has added a new twist to their selfish seating plot. Sleeping Beauty is most common among the two seats on the opposite side of the "three seaters”. Sleeping Beauty grabs one of the two seats (most often the window spot) and continues to act as if they are asleep. This deters any potential seatmates to wake them and take the unoccupied space where their precious bag lays. Sleeping Beauties must suffer from some sort of narcolepsy because the only time the fall asleep is at the beginning of the ride when people are boarding or at each stop when new people get on. It truly is a sight to see.
3) The Sunday Times
Sunday Times enjoys dissecting his or her paper in such a fashion that it looks as if he's either practicing for the world origami finals or making a paper mâché train fort. Each section is sprawled out in a way where two of the three seats are absolutely covered in sections of newspaper. If this deterrent does not work and one of those two seats next to them is grabbed, one of the sections is open as wide as possible to create the illusion that ere is no more space to sit and be comfortable. Kindles, iPads and Nooks will soon drive Mr. or Mrs. Sunday Times into extinction.
4) Mr. Coffee
This may very well be the most devious of all seat whores. There are different kinds of Mr. Coffees and I'll explain why. Perhaps their name should be Mr. or Mrs. spill. I to have witnessed on more than one occasion this evil plot of selfish seating. Mr. Coffee enters the train with his/her beverage of choice. They then proceed to spill just the perfect amount of that beverage on either the second seat in a “two seater” or the middle seat in a “three seater.” When someone enters the train they go to sit and Mr. Coffee actually points out his supposed mistaken spill but makes no actual effort to clean it up. This ensures an open space for the duration of the commute. I have also seen this with wet newspaper bags and soaking umbrellas on rainy days. I find Mr. Coffee to be the most conniving of the bunch.
5) Hungry Hungry Hippo
Hungry Hungry Hippo uses food as his or her weapon of choice. Let me tell you that a stinky onion filled sandwiches, sloppy burritos or Chinese food is the kryptonite to any regular commuter, accept for the one who is eating it. I wouldn't quite put Hungry Hungry Hippo into a selfish seating category but train etiquette definitely not at the top of their list.
6) The Operator
We do not have to go into great detail here. We all know The Operator and his/her lack of courtesy when babbling about absolute nonsense to one or more of their annoying friends or family while on their cell phone. It is very simple PUT THE PHONE DOWN!!!!! This species of rider is more comfortable in it's natural habitat of the Long Island Railroad but slow migration has started to the Metro North. Most of the Metro North Operators have quickly evolved into texters so that their species is safe from train predators.
7) Imaginary Friend
This commuter uses both Seat Bagger and Sunday Times tactics to make it seems as if two seats are not available. A bag is used in the middle seat and papers are strewn across the bag and other seat as if they were some city planner going over a new architectural masterpiece. When approaching Imaginary Friend, he or she knows that their first two tactics have failed, that is when they pull out the "I'm waiting for someone" excuse. Although it is well known that he or she will spend the rest of their commute much like their every day lives, pathetic and alone. Most wonder if it is worth it to revisit that seat once the train has departed and their "friend" has yet to show. I like to think that they are better left alone, just like their weekends and holidays.
Now I could go on about several other selfish seating techniques, but I'll save that for another post. In the meantime, keep an eye out for these seven wonders of the train. Watch them in their natural habitat and think how they relay these selfish skills into everyday life. Shows like Big Brother and The Real World pick strangers to live in a house and see how they get along. I'd be more inclined to watch a reality show on 120 people picked to ride in a train car for over an hour..... It's much more interesting.